Advantages of biomass briquetting:

Briquettes produced from briquetting of biomass are fairly good substitute for coal, lignite, Firewood and offer numerous advantages

  • This is one of the alternative methods to save consumption and dependency on fossil fuels.
  • Its size and quality is uniform.
  • Densities fuels are easy to handle and transport
  • This process also helps to solve the problem of residual disposal.
  • There is no sulphur in briquettes.
  • There is no fly ash in briquettes.
  • The process assists the reduction of fuel wood and deforestation.
  • This process helps to get additional income to farmers and also cretes job opportunities.
  • Briquettes are cheaper than coal, oil, lignite etc.
  • Briquettes have a consistent quality, have high burning efficiency, and are ideally sized for complete combustion.
  • Compacting biomass waste into briquettes reduces the volume by 10 times, making it much easier to store and transport than loose biomass waste
  • The compression process allows the briquettes to burn for a lot longer than if it was loose in its original condition.

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