The cost of briquetting when compared with fossil fuels

Energy is essential to life.  Without it, many billions of people would be left cold and hungry.  The major source of energy comes from fossil fuel. As the supplies of fossil fuels are used up the whole world is in the search of new renewable energy sources. At the present time, the energy source that shows the most promise is the use of biomass and biofuel. But, how do these compare to fossil fuels in terms of costs? In most cases, biomass feed stocks, harvested or collected wood and plant matter, grains, grasses, etc must have energy applied to them to break them down into useful fuels that can be used to create energy. In some of the cases all that is needed is pressure such as compressing wood into pellets that can be burned in place of coal to power an electrical generator. 

The cost of producing biomass for use as fuels and energy sources is very cheap compared to the cost of finding and extracting fossil fuels. The cost of finding fuel is eliminated when one deliberately plants certain types of plants to be used in the production of biomass briquetting. Extraction is generally no more expensive than harvesting crops for food. If the energy is used in the same area it is produced in, the cost of the energy decreases dramatically. The emissions are much cleaner with biodiesel, but the cost is also reliable. Understanding the costs of biomass and biofuel is one key to unlocking their potential for use as replacements for fossil fuels. Work is ongoing in an attempt to make production of biofuel more efficient and more cost effective. 

It is being viewed as being able to supply the method needed to provide power without being harmful to the surroundings and the atmosphere. Biomass Solar Energy is expected to replace fossil fuels as time goes on.

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